5:30am - 6am: Volunteers will start to arrive and be directed to park in the Griffins Visitor’s Center Parking lot.
6:30am: Onondaga Lake Parkway is CLOSED
7:15am: Griffins Visitors Center Parking Lot CLOSED - (We will direct all staff/volunteers/vendors to park in this lot first. People in this lot will not be able to leave until 11am.)
7:30am: Race day registration and packet pickup
8:00am: Line up for Kid's Fast Feet Run
8:15am: Start Kid's Fast Feet Run
8:30am: Trotter Treasure Egg Hunt at Wegmans Playground (for the kids)
8:30am: Salt Museum Parking Lot is CLOSED
8:30am/8:15am: Liverpool Village Streets CLOSED
8:55am: Line up for 5k / 5 mile race
9:15am: Start 5k / 5 mile race
9:15am: Line up for Dog Walk along side of Barking Gull
9:30am: Start Dog Walk - *Dogs must be on a 6' leash. If you bring a dog, you can only participate in the dog walk. No dogs will be allowed in the 5k, 5-mile, or kid's run. Please clean up after your pet.*
10:00am: Awards
10:00am - 10:15am: Village Streets will OPEN
10:15am: Salt Museum Parking Lot will OPEN
11:00am: Visitor Center Parking Lot will OPEN - (Cars exiting this lot will only be allowed to exit on S. Willow Street then follow Lake Drive to enter Village Streets as Onondaga Lake Parkway remains closed.)
11:30am: Onondaga Lake Parkway and All Parking Lot exits will OPEN
Post race gathering in the parking lot of the Barking Bull!
FREE post-race beer for all participants age 21+ (Beer is available to purchase for spectators 21+ as well!)
FREE coffee, donuts, and bagels
Live music with great local talent!
Local Vendors
The race start line is near the Griffins Visitor Center!

LTT will utilize the Chrono track bib timing device. This means that a participant’s time does not begin until they cross the timing mats at the start line, so the wave start will not impact your overall time.
Complete race results and pictures will be listed following the race on:
This website
Our Facebook Page
Leone Timing
Unfortunately, we do not offer refunds as funds are invested into the event and charities.
If the race is not able to happen in person for extreme weather or any reason, all participants will be moved to the virtual run. THERE WILL BE NO REFUNDS!