The Liverpool Turkey Trot is an opportunity for every Central New York participant to come together and make a difference. Proceeds from LTT go towards nourishing our community needs.
Top Local Community Fundraising Event on Thanksgiving Day in Central New York with a personal touch
We are a 501(c)3, Non-profit event
Our race has become has become a popular destination due to our local festival atmosphere and community giving
Fastest growing race in Upstate New York in the last 5 years
Second Largest Charitable Giving Race in New York State on Thanksgiving Day
Our Community Event has had participation from 23 states as far as California
Our Outreach for Our Community Spans from the City of Syracuse and throughout the Central New York Area
We are a well-run, organized local race that has attracted elite runners ranging from Olympic Champions to weekend warriors and walkers

With the help of our participants and sponsors, the 2023 Liverpool Turkey Trot was able to donate $26,000 to help the Central New York Community!
Over the past 10 years, we've donated over $170,000 to other non-profit or educational organizations!

Leading the effort to eliminate hunger in our region, by partnership with others in our community, through education, advocacy, and distribution of nutritious food

The Syracuse City School District educates more than 19,000 students each day, from pre-kindergarten through 12th grade. Our vision is to prepare and inspire all of our students to innovate locally and contribute globally and we are embracing the challenge of giving all of our students a vibrant education with new urgency.

Clear Path helps veterans, service members, and military-connected family members find their place—physically, socially, spiritually, or in whichever form they need to heal and flourish.

Our mission is to rescue and rehome neglected, abandoned, abused and unwanted pit bulls and pit bull mix dogs in the CNY area. To educate the public about responsible dog ownership, the importance of spaying/neutering and disproving myths of this misunderstood type of dog.